
We welcome you with Open Hearts to join us in Opening our ears to Bible. 

Service Times

Sunday Bible Study - 9:30 A.M. 

Worship Service - 10:30 A.M. 

Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 P.M.


I realize how awkward it can feel to visit a church for the first time. I’ve experienced that, and so has everyone at this church. So we really try to make you feel at ease and free to just sit and observe. When you check us out, we aren’t going to single you out or twist your arm. You are free to come and go and we want you to be comfortable.

What you will see, if you give us a chance, is a group of diverse people from all backgrounds. But we have this one thing in common: we have found Jesus. That may sound corny and weird but knowing him has helped connect us in a way that's unique in this divided world. You won't find a group of perfect saints, but people who admit that we are far from perfect. We've realized we need the Lord and we need one another to get better and to love better. 

Life in this world is hard and often lonely, but we have found a way to thrive in spite of that. We decided as a little group to join hands with the one who said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

Don't be afraid . Come by and see if you might want to join us on this journey. It's worth a look. 

Mark Finn
Collingswood Church of Christ 

Visit us

Visit our Church at 

300 White Horse Pike, 

Collingswood, NJ